Potato snacks
One-stop shop for potato-based snacks
The portfolio of Emsland Group contains potato and pea starches as well as potato granules and flakes. Emsland Group is therefore the right ingredient partner for potato-based snack producers!Expertise and pilot plant
The Innovation Center of Emsland Group has all the tools to support customers with their snack projects. Depending on the application, process and texture requirements, our snack applications specialists are able to advise which starch, flake or granule type our customers can use. Next to that, our modern snack pilot plant enables us to develop new recipes and ingredients for most potato-based snack applications, for or with our customers.Emwaxy®
Emsland Group has developed a special potato starch that consists of 100% amylopectin while regular potato starch contains a combination of amylose and amylopectin. This change leads to unique expansion properties and more delicate crispy textures. Under the brand name Emwaxy®, Emsland Group has developed a portfolio of different starches.Flakes and Granules
The flake and granule portfolio of Emsland Group consists of products differing in preparation method (LL, low leach or FP, full processed), particle size, reducing sugar content, additives and color. Click the links to find out more about the flake and granule process and the differences between the products. Emsland Group has also developed clean label flakes for snack applications. Empure® KF 1100 is a course product, while Empure® KF 1500 is finer.
Products for direct expanded snacks
Products for indirect expanded snacks
Extruded snacks
There are two types of extruded snacks: direct and indirect expanded snacks.
Direct expanded snacks are snacks that are formed in the extruder and expand immediately when they emerge from the die. Indirect expanded snacks are not expanded after the extrusion process and require an independent second processing step, such as frying, to prepare the final expanded snack. The semi-finished snacks have the advantage that it can be stored easily with a long shelf life
Texture & Expansion
The preparation of extruded snacks require special ingredients that withstand the process conditions such as heat and shear. Next to that, snack producers have their own requirements for specific expansion and texture depending on regional consumer preferences or market trends.
Emsland Group has a wide portfolio of starches, granules and flakes for extruded snacks.
Sheeted and fried stackable snacks
Sheeted and fried stackable snacks are prepared by specific processing in frying oil leading to the desired even stackable shape that is packed in typical cone shapes packages. Next to stackable snacks also pellets can be made by a sheeting process.
Sheeting properties & expansion
Challenges of sheeted and fried snacks are related to the dough properties and the final texture of the snack. The dough should form easy and it should be easy to cut the sheet into the desired shape. The expansion should be even and homogenous and the texture crispy and light.
The potato-based ingredients of Emsland Group are able to overcome these challenges. Depending on customer requirements ad preferences, there are several combinations of flakes, granules and starches possible for a good end result.

Product highlights

Product highlights
Baked snacks
Baked snacks have become popular snacks due to the growing consumer awareness of caloric intake and the fact that the fats and oils in fried snacks contribute largely to that. In general, sheeted and baked snacks are produced from a sheeting dough of potato flakes, starches and some minor ingredients such as emulsifiers. The sheet is cut to the desired shape and the dough pieces are baked and seasoned.
Expansion & texture
The baking conditions that are used for preparing sheeted and baked snacks may lead to random and irregular shapes. Therefore ingredients are required that are easy to expand and result in an even texture.
By using the right combination of Emflake® potato flakes and Emwaxy® or Emjel® starches of Emsland Group the requirements of baked and sheeted snacks can be fulfilled.
Protein-enriched snacks
For several baked snacks, Emsland Group has developed protein-enriched concepts with plant-based pea protein isolates Empro® E 86 and Empro® E 86 HV

Product highlights

Coated nuts
For Coated Nuts see Link.
This page only shows standard solutions for the applications. For more information about other products in our portfolio or about concepts and recipes, please contact us.
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Do you have any questions remaining one of our high-quality potato products, the Emsland Group or your career opportunities in our company? Then feel free to contact us via our contact form. We will get back to you promptly.