Textile sizing
Weaving performance
During the production of textile products, the yarns are woven with high speed. Therefore, yarn sizing is an important step in the preparation of textile products to protect the yarns against breakage. The sizing agent should allow good weaving performance and it should be easy to remove. Next to that, costs is an important factor.
Emsland Group offers cost-in-use effective Emsize® modified pea and potato starches for different types of yarns. These sustainable products facilitate good weaving performance and are easy to remove.
Product highlights

Textile finishing
Grip & firmness
Textile finishing agents are used to give the textile product, such as tablecloths, firmness or grip after washing. This firmness leads to less damage of the textile product but also allows for easier further processing such as ironing or pressing.
Emsland Group offers Empre® KST and Emcol® HE potato starches for textile finishing that dissolve fast and are easy to use. Different options are possible depending on the desired grip.
Product highlights
Textile printing
Rheology & bleeding
For textile printing the thickener system is a crucial component of a print paste. The thickener gives the print paste the required rheology to be able to apply the color uniformly and evenly. Next to that it should hold the color in place so that it can be used next to another color without bleeding.
Emsland Group offers Emprint® CE corn-based starch ethers for textile print pastes. They have the desired quality in terms of rheology, increases the brilliance of the colours and increaases the sharpening of the colours.

Product highlights
This page only shows standard solutions for the applications. For more information about other products in our portfolio or about concepts and recipes, please contact us.
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