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Procurement: Purchasing / Technical Material Management and Standardization

The Emsland Group’s Purchasing Department assumes responsibility along the entire value chain: In close cooperation with in-house departments and our suppliers and service providers, based on clearly defined standards. In our own production and business operations and with regard to the effects of our products on people and the environment. At the same time, complying with sustainability standards in the supply chain is an important lever for us to minimize risks.

We have organized the purchasing of key commodity groups such as

  • Energy
  • Chemicals
  • Food additives
  • Packaging materials
  • Capital goods
  • Replacement parts
  • Miscellaneous technical materials
  • Third-party services and other services

in a centralized manner. This allows us to bundle our purchasing requirements, strengthen our expertise and make the procurement process lean and transparent.

Procurement requires suppliers and service providers to be in top form. Fairness and openness form the foundation of a trusting and long-term supplier relationship.

The online application for suppliers can be found at the following link:

Onlinebewerbung für Lieferanten

    Online application for suppliers

    After checking your data, we will contact you if necessary. The fields marked with * are mandatory. privacy policy you will find our information in accordance with Art. 13 DSGVO about data protection in connection with our contact form.

    Details of the company

    Contact Person

    Products and services


    What is your business?


    For which plants do you want to offer your services?


    The personal data you send is collected, processed and used for the purpose of contract initiation pursuant to Article 6 (1) subpar. 1 letter f) of the GDPR, and for contract conclusion pursuant to Article 6 (1) subpar. 1 letter c) of the GDPR. The provision of your personal data is required to execute and process the contractual relationship. If it is not provided, we are unfortunately unable to contact you to clarify any pre-contractual and/or contractual questions.
    Automated decision making is not used.
    Your personal data is not shared with external third parties. To assess your documents, these are passed on to the relevant employees in the HR department and to the responsible contact persons/heads of the respective department for whom the application is relevant.
    The personal data you provide is not sent to third countries or international organisations, and we have no intention of doing so.
    We will store the data given and in particular the data relating to the contact person given for the application for the duration of the contractual relationship, and will also use it as contact details for the corresponding bodies in whose name the specified contact person acts, in order to be able to clarify any post-contractual questions.
    If we no longer require the personal data, or if the corresponding body reports that the specified contact person is no longer acting as a contact person, the contact person’s data will be erased and/or disposed of, or its use restricted.
    If a contract is not concluded, your data will be stored for a period of four years so that we are able to get in touch without delay in the event of any future collaboration.

    I agree to the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy*

      Online application for suppliers

      After checking your data, we will contact you if necessary. The fields marked with * are mandatory. privacy policy you will find our information in accordance with Art. 13 DSGVO about data protection in connection with our contact form.

      Details of the company

      Contact Person

      Products and services


      What is your business?


      For which plants do you want to offer your services?


      The personal data you send is collected, processed and used for the purpose of contract initiation pursuant to Article 6 (1) subpar. 1 letter f) of the GDPR, and for contract conclusion pursuant to Article 6 (1) subpar. 1 letter c) of the GDPR. The provision of your personal data is required to execute and process the contractual relationship. If it is not provided, we are unfortunately unable to contact you to clarify any pre-contractual and/or contractual questions.
      Automated decision making is not used.
      Your personal data is not shared with external third parties. To assess your documents, these are passed on to the relevant employees in the HR department and to the responsible contact persons/heads of the respective department for whom the application is relevant.
      The personal data you provide is not sent to third countries or international organisations, and we have no intention of doing so.
      We will store the data given and in particular the data relating to the contact person given for the application for the duration of the contractual relationship, and will also use it as contact details for the corresponding bodies in whose name the specified contact person acts, in order to be able to clarify any post-contractual questions.
      If we no longer require the personal data, or if the corresponding body reports that the specified contact person is no longer acting as a contact person, the contact person’s data will be erased and/or disposed of, or its use restricted.
      If a contract is not concluded, your data will be stored for a period of four years so that we are able to get in touch without delay in the event of any future collaboration.

      I agree to the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy*

      There are two further important pillars within procurement: technical material management and standardization.

      The technical material management of the Emsland Group is subject to a detailed commodity group structure.

      In cooperation with standardization, the processes for creating master data such as materials, components, parts lists and recurring orders (inspections, maintenance, etc.) are optimally implemented.

      The aim is to ensure, in the long term, that set standards are introduced and complied with. Therefore, the technical material management and standardization of the Emsland Group pursue the following goals:

      • To reduce the variety of technical materials used while increasing availability (including between plants)
      • To accelerate and optimize planning and implementation processes for investments and maintenance measures
      • To ensure the efficient use of storage capacities and reduce warehousing costs

      Contacts of procurement

      Head of Purchasing and Material Management
      Carsten Koops
      Deputy Head of Purchasing and Material Management
      Andre Freiwald
      Head of technical purchasing / technical materials management
      Christoph Krieger
      Head of Standardization
      Volker Friedrich