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Potato Flakes

Potato Flakes

Potato flakes are dehydrated potato products and are used more and more in many food products such as potato-based processed snacks, potato products and bakery

Full process flakes

Potato flakes produced with full process have a low free starch content and a pulpy consistency

Low leach flakes

Low leach flakes have a high amount of free starch and therefore a high water binding and sticky texture

Emsland Group has a broad portfolio of potato flakes under the brand name Emflake®. They are available in different particle size, color (cream or yellow), and different formulations. Emsland Group has also developed clean label flakes under the Empure® brand.

Potato flakes have the following functionality and application:

  • Pulpy texture in potato products
  • Texture support in potato-based processed snacks
  • Typical potato flavour
  • Optimal dough building in bakery applications such as potato bread
  • Gluten-free breading for food coating
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